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Although athletes are very fit individuals, they are prone to sports injuries as a result of intense activity. There are many reasons why a person may develop a sports injury including overtraining, failing to stretch or suffering an abrupt force during activity. Although a sports injury can affect multiple areas of the body, certain injuries are more common than others.
NECK AND BACK FACT: You can also damage the tendons around your kneecap by trying to break a fall. This type of injury is especially common in older people whose tendons tend to be less flexible.


Tendonitis, sometimes known as tendinosis, is a common sports injury. Excessive training and overuse or repetitive action of a particular joint or group of joints (known as overuse syndrome), may result in pain and dysfunction.

If you are a golfer or tennis player, for example, you repeatedly swing your arms in a consistent movement each time to make a shot. Doing the same kinds of movements every day or putting stress on joints only a few times a week increases your risk of tendon damage. Dancing, bicycling, and running can cause overuse, stretching, tearing, and swelling of tendons in your legs. Basketball players can develop jumper’s knee, where overuse of the muscles and the force of hitting the ground after jumping strains the tendons in the knee. Gardeners, carpenters, and musicians can develop tendonitis, but the risk for the condition is greater among athletes.

Tendonitis often develops in the muscle groups moving the joints of the shoulders, biceps, hands, wrists, and thumbs, but can also occur in the tendons in your calves.

Tendonitis can be very painful and debilitating, especially when it affects a major muscle or important muscle group. It can affect the connective tissue on the outside of your elbow to cause tennis elbow, for example, or inflammation may occur in the tendons on the inside of the elbow to cause golfer’s elbow.

R&R TIP: Your chances of developing tendonitis increase, as you get older. Regular stretching and therapeutic exercise like gentle yoga are key to maintaining flexibility as we age.


Sports-related concussion (SRC) has become one of the most focused-upon sports injuries in the recent past. Sadly, the deaths of high-school athletes and brain injuries in professional football and hockey players have brought more attention to the serious problem of SRC. Concussions can happen to anyone, anywhere.

ALERT: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched an initiative called Heads Up to increase awareness about sports and recreation-related brain injuries. The Heads Up campaign provides information about preventing and treating SRC as well as providing a return-to-play protocol. (Source:
ALERT: An untreated concussion can result in long-term brain injury, chronic pain or even death.


Concussions are not consistently obvious, and they do not always involve a loss of consciousness or any dramatic signs such as amnesia. Common symptoms experienced directly after a concussion may include:
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Slurred speech
Delayed symptoms may not be noticed for several days and include:
  • Concentration problems
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Light and noise sensitivity
  • Memory loss
  • Pain
  • Sleep disturbances
Our chiropractic physicians receive extensive education in school on the body’s central nervous system, which includes the spinal cord and the brain–the areas most affected by concussion. After evaluation, our chiropractors may suggest an individualized treatment plan that combines chiropractic massage therapy, physiotherapy [Nevada clinics]/physical medicine modalities, and therapeutic procedures (PMMTP) [Arizona clinics] or decompression to assist with pain management, and relieve other symptoms related to sports-related concussion.

Don’t take a head injury lightly. You or your loved one could face serious, life-threatening consequences if a sports-related concussion is ignored. Call The Neck and Back Clinics today if you have questions about preventing or treating sports-related concussions.
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